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Super Torch Ritual

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The Fall of the Empire

“When does an empire die?” Gulp. In a way, nothing we didn’t now before here on STR. But we can now feel the sense of urgency intensifying in the air …

The Axis of the Antichrist

Beryl – an “Antichrist storm” of sorts – did become a Category 1 hurricane earlier today, not coincidentally a day after the shock election in France, and slammed into Texas …

Equidistant Impact Window...

…coming up mid July. It’s instructive to take a look at the most recent and similar equidistant window back arou …

The Convention Code

As it is no longer a certainty that Biden will continue to be the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee following the “debate from hell” in Atlanta two days ago, there is …
Blog, Premium

Floodgate of Gog and Magog

This is ominous especially with all the “nuclear” signals we found around this stuff per my earlier post “Monolith Whispering Nuclear”. There is/was this defense against “Gog and Magog” who …

Monolith Whispering Nuclear

We can hear the Monolith whispering “nuclear” now. The “axis of evil” and torch arriving this summer, combined with signals pertaining to Paris, Manhattan, a …

/ Note

On the eve of the first anniversary of OpenAI’s ChatGPT release (Nov 30)…

…former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger passed away at age 100 (Nov 29, 2023).

His last article was “The Path to AI Arms Control” published in Foreign Affairs on October 13, 2023. His penultimate book was “The Age of AI: And Our Human Future” published in November 2021 co-authored with Eric Schmidt & Daniel Huttenlocher.

More foreshocks to come like birth pangs as the countdown continues…

[Context: “AGI foreshocks” (Nov 20)]

/ Note

The future-changing A.I. drama of the past few days involving OpenAI, Altman, Microsoft… Can you feel it coming? A – G – I

Part of the endgame of reality at the end of history.

UPDATE (Nov 23): OpenAI reportedly had just made a major A.I. breakthrough – known as project “Q*” or “Q Star” – right before Altman’s ouster. Many experts and observers have theorized that the discovery may be directly pertinent to achieving AGI i.e. artificial general intelligence, the Holy Grail of A.I. research which would change everything. OpenAI/Altman has not yet confirmed or denied these speculations. Regardless, the countdown to AGI which is a key component of the end of reality as we know it is definitely underway.

[Link 1, link 2]

/ Note

This is a major “as above, so below” omen moment setting the stage for what’s ahead.

Falling from the sky like a fallen angel on September 24th…

[OSIRIS-REx probe bringing back asteroid samples to Earth on Sept. 24]

Coinciding with the maximum brightness of the Morning Star (Venus) September 16-26…


/ Note

Venus is now peaking in brightness as the Morning Star or “Lucifer” since it became visible back around August 20.

~Aug 20: Venus becomes Lucifer (Morning Star)
Sep 19: Venus/Lucifer greatest brilliancy

During this period we’ve had a series of significant events as expected including two of the deadliest natural disasters of 2023 back to back, in effect a “Birthquake” (Morocco earthquake) and “water breaking” (Libya floods) expressing…


/ Note

The pattern erupts once again and getting much more intense…

Sep 08 Morocco quake kills more than 2,000

[Morocco flag]

[Venus traditionally & astronomically associated with pentagram]

[Earth And Venus Forms a Stunning Pentagrammic Pattern in Space]
[The 5 petals of Venus and its 8-year cycle]

There is a lot to more to the Morocco earthquake’s “awareness” of the theme of the current window. And there are still things looming right ahead of us.

+ – + – +
Context: ‘Lucifer’ Out of the Underworld
[Mid Aug-Sep 2023 = Venus “reborn” as Morning Star = Lucifer]

Original Articles


Mayan Sirius Trigger (Sept 2020)

A political deep impact of Justice Ginsburg passing away yesterday (Sept 18) capped off a remarkable series of events encompassing a Sirian and Mayan wi … Read More

Monolith Appears in Beirut

In the aftermath of the nuclear-like explosion in Beirut on August 4th, a massive “monolith” – yes, a “monolith” – emerged at the still-smoldering ground zero … Read More


There was a “super torch” eclipse in 2001, 82 days before America changed. Same omen for the first time in 2020 … Read More

American "Kick"

Like the epic events in America 50 years ago, we’re in a defining moment in American history. Very similar indeed… This is America, now in Phase 2 of “the Kick”, … Read More

It was 50 years ago...

…when the tragedy of the Kent State massacre unfolded soon after Apollo 13… reflected in Minneapolis and Crew Dragon DM-2, both triggered by Sirius B’s orbital countdown (50.13 years) … Read More

About the Dragon - Mayan countdown

2012 to 2020, a gestation period ending now. Final step for New Space and the floodgate will open here. Echoing Apollo 13 or Apollo 11… What happens here will echo … Read More

Time Rivers - A Map of Time From the Garden of Eden

What this revelation tells us is that the Garden of Eden… well, it was just a ‘cover story’. A cover story that in effect obfuscates the real story – the … Read More

The Fall of the Empire

“When does an empire die?” Gulp. In a way, nothing we didn’t now before here on STR. But we can now feel the sense of urgency intensifying in the air … Read More

The Axis of the Antichrist

Beryl – an “Antichrist storm” of sorts – did become a Category 1 hurricane earlier today, not coincidentally a day after the shock election in France, and slammed into Texas … Read More

Equidistant Impact Window...

…coming up mid July. It’s instructive to take a look at the most recent and similar equidistant window back arou … Read More

The Convention Code

As it is no longer a certainty that Biden will continue to be the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee following the “debate from hell” in Atlanta two days ago, there is … Read More
Blog, Premium

Floodgate of Gog and Magog

This is ominous especially with all the “nuclear” signals we found around this stuff per my earlier post “Monolith Whispering Nuclear”. There is/was this defense against “Gog and Magog” who … Read More

Monolith Whispering Nuclear

We can hear the Monolith whispering “nuclear” now. The “axis of evil” and torch arriving this summer, combined with signals pertaining to Paris, Manhattan, a … Read More