Archives for May 2021
2021 Origin Unknown
Man's destiny lies in his undiscovered past.. It happened before, and it will happen again. Not a question of if but a question of when. It is going to be the 21st century per th ...
The Hex portal
Precision in the design is a good sign for the pattern. And we knew the orbital approach to the time code was solid one per the “hyperdimensional” structure we do find on the western edge of the H ...
Coronal Big One
No need to panic but we are officially beyond any "happy coincidences" with this pattern. The latest San Andreas om ...
The Time Bridge
We are collectively on a precarious bridge to the new New World fraught with existential danger, and no guarantee we will make it to the other side alive. The best we can do is improve ourselves and read the signs and patterns to the best of our ability, helping ourselves ...
The Ark Disclosure
Ephemeral yet precise... Enki's whispers... echoing Noah's forbidden information and the coming Flood. All about opening the Stargate... at the end of history. Sometimes whispers are louder reflecting urgency, like what happened the other day when we heard the "scream" of the Monolith with the date and the coordinates, as ...
The Fifth World
Monkeys into humans; humans into... Well, you know what the Time Rivers say. According to various native American traditions, we are currently living in either the fourth or the fifth age of the world. The Aztecs seem to have consider the present era the “Fifth Sun” while the Maya, the ...