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Super Torch Ritual

Archives for September 2017

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New Space, New World

New Space, New World

The nature of time dictates the new cannot stay new and inevitably there comes a time when the torch has to be passed on to the next New World. We’ve reached that point in the 21st century. And Mars is the next New World rising on the horizon. Elon Musk ...
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Miracle of the Sun

Miracle of the Sun

It was only a few weeks ago in early September that the Sun unleashed the biggest solar flare in a decade… signalling that the Sun “knows”. October 2017 is going to be one of those months… ...
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Papal/NK Impact signal?

Papal/NK Impact signal?

Today we are seeing a lot of multicontextual signals pointing to “Deep Impact”, Pope (exit), as well as North Korea, etc. Deep Impact (space rock) and Pope are both already linked to the upcoming key date Octob ...
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Great Flood via 8-year cycle

Great Flood via 8-year cycle

A quick note about late September… We may have a possible ~8-year echo from late September 2009 happening, which corresponds to the time it takes for Venus and Earth to “draw” one complete pentagram inside the inner solar system. (8 years minus 2 days to be more precise.) ...
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More than just a knee

More than just a knee

By the time the supposed Biblical Planet X doom prophecy day arrived on September 23rd, the Reality Matrix was already busy creating “clues” pointing ahead to something coming in October… The world events around the autumn equinox (Sep 22) – and there were many of them making big headlines, very ...
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Biblical storms

Biblical storms

On a day that's been made rather "Biblical" by the prophecy hype out there, it's fitting to have Maria (Mary, mother of Jesus) and Jose (Joseph, Mary's husband) together in the Atlantic Ocean ...
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Super Phoenix Ritual

Super Phoenix Ritual

The phoenix is in the air... Rebirth is in the air... Things are happening... Things are shifting... Crossing the Threshold... NASA orchestrating a cosmic ritual using its asteroid-bound spacecraft OSIRIS-REx swinging by Earth for gravity assist this afternoon en route to asteroid Bennu, na ...
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E.L.E. - Part 2

E.L.E. – Part 2

A “Mayan Golden Ratio” temporal echo from the 2010 Haiti mega quake disaster pinpointing September 23, 2017... coinciding exactly with the latest Christian prophetic doom date getting so much attention. Well, this puts me in an awkward position. Normally I would interpret any such over-hyped doom date as a sure ...
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Psi Project - Phase 2 Completion

Psi Project – Phase 2 Completion

I don’t even have to tell you there is a pattern. I don’t have to use statistical calculations to show you the non-randomness. With an effect size this pronounced, there is no denying it. You see it, you get it. Mission Impossible actually succeeded. Now what? Well, now it’s time ...
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Prince Lucifer (Regulus-Venus) [Updated]

Prince Lucifer (Regulus-Venus) [Updated]

I meant to mention this much earlier, but there is a significant Regulus conjunction around September 19th or right now. It's a Regulus-Venus conjunction... ...which we saw last time on ~August 5 last year or the day of the Rio Olympics opening ceremony. If you read "E.L.E.", you know the ...