OSIRIS-REx & Lucifer Deep Impact
Written by Goro, September 22, 2023
This is a major “as above, so below” omen moment setting the stage for what’s ahead.
Falling from the sky like a fallen angel on September 24th…

[OSIRIS-REx probe bringing back asteroid samples to Earth on Sept. 24]
Coinciding with the maximum brightness of the Morning Star (Venus) September 16-26…

OSIRIS-REx is in effect simulating Lucifer falling from heaven to earth. (“Lucifer” is the Latin name for Venus as the Morning Star.)

Carrying on board a handful of dust from asteroid Bennu, OSIRIS-REx is also something of a “Deep Impact” simulation…

…which brings to mind “Asteroid City” released back in June 2023 starring Scarlett Johansson among other big names…

…who also played “Lucy” in Lucy (2014) alluding again to “Lucifer” who crashes into the earth.

Scarlett or Scarlet as in “Scarlet Woman“…

…resonating with this year’s Super Bowl entertainer Rihanna who could not be more red/scarlet or more evocative of the “capstone” – a mega theme we’ve been tracking since last fall.

Phoenix was the location of the Super Bowl, dramatically underscoring the intertwined themes as the ancient Egyptian version of the phoenix was “Bennu” – the name of OSIRIS-REx‘s asteroid.

Think NASA is aware of the “capstone” association?

Indeed, the Bennu bird is traditionally associated with the Benben Stone…

[Bennu bird perched on Benben]

…which was the ideal/original capstone in ancient Egypt…

[Benben Stone as obelisk capstone in Heliopolis]
…often theorized to have been a meteorite i.e. a stone fallen from heaven, heavily resonating with OSIRIS-REx.
“Osiris” is another ancient Egyptian name, this one referring to their god of the underworld and resurrection, heavily overlapping the symbolism of the Bennu/phoenix bird (phoenix = resurrection)…

…and directly pertinent to our “Gates of Hell opening” mega theme, producing the narrative of Lucifer emerging from the underworld through a gate that has now opened.
Oh, and of course, Rihanna revealed her pregnancy at the Super Bowl and gave birth this summer…

…in effect simulating the “Birth of Lucifer“. This is underscored by the timing of the baby news coinciding with the birth of the Morning Star (Lucifer) around August 19-21.

So on and so forth. Just the tip of the iceberg…
All of this is symbolically inseparable from the opening of the Vegas Sphere and the Lucifer Alignment late September…

Mega impact omens.
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Sep 24 Osiris-Rex returns to Earth with asteroid Bennu samples
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