Archives for August 2018

Phoenix moment
The big “phoenix” ritual continues to unfold via McCain, Aretha Franklin, the Pope, Trump/Mueller, etc. The interaction between Aretha Franklin and John McCain has been fascinating to observe, especially today with ...

The Last Pope – Part 2
Signs are piling up. This Pope/Church situation is a big deal, the stuff of “prophecy”… Certainly for the Church, this appears to be the “Big One”. Incredible “coincidences” further underscore the ominous, far-reaching symbolism encoded in these recent events. A bombshell official report released detailing ...

The Last Pope
We have not yet directly included the current pope or the Church in our near-future projections. Perhaps we should now. All the craziness currently unfolding out there we could compare to the people on the Titanic starting to panic as it begins to dawn on them that the impossible might ...

The McCain Phoenix Code
John McCain died from brain cancer yesterday at the age of 81, creating a big “phoenix” moment with all kinds of multicontextual and inter-temporal implications, some of which you will find... surprising. Even a bit disturbing. We don't have to wait long for the next ...

“House of Cards” Russian Deep Impact
All along the omens have been foreshadowing the collapse of "Trump Tower". What if you liked Trump or Obama and synchronicity whispered a dark future for his presidency? Would you accept it? Would you ignore it? Would you try to force a different, more positive interpretation? If acquiring glimpses of ...

Driving Toward American Twilight
The end, it seems, is here. The end of America. As the new New World rises for the new phase of mankind, the old New World falls and with it the old paradigm of human existence on every level. The fat lady has sung her swan song and October is ...

Musk facts
Musk is NOT one of those billionaires who just pay other people to make things happen. Musk designed and built his own rocket, and succeeded. Read that again and let it sink in ...

Lucifer’s Birthquake
Big quakes along the Ring of Fire... Two key things in Lucifer's mirror... Revealing patterns of events to come later... When the ...

The Genoa Bridge Code – Part 2
The passing of Aretha Franklin, the “Queen of Soul”, on August 16th… continues the Sangraal theme and interacts with the Genoa bridge collapse two days prior (Aug 14). As already noted, the bridge was ...

The Genoa Bridge Code
This was one of those multicontextually resonant events sending shock waves across time backward and forward. And it's surprisingly - or not so surprisingly in our case - very esoteric. It confirms a hidden, very powerful theme we've being stressing all year but no one else would be cognizant of, ...