Archives for November 2017

Psi Project – On the Eve of Phase 3
Phase 3, as I said before, has the potential to change everything and it’s fitting that it is set to unfold in 2018 (December/next month included) to go along with the big “Stargate”/”Fifth Element” theme of the season. Psi is obviously part of the whole concept... A minimal but reliable ...

A Wrinkle in Time
Can you feel the inter-contextual coherence? It means we are on the right track, that we have indeed accurately & uniquely identified the main theme of the season – “Stargate”... And here we see it's literally about traveling through dimensions, visiting other worlds and battling darkness via a tesseract... A ...

Sinai Massacre’s Stargate Geometry
The Sinai mosque massacre seems to have been cosmically “designed” to signify the opening of the gates of hell, implying “Stargate activation“. These are not lazy interpretations but surprisingly solid decoding backed up by evidence involving precise geometry... You can’t argue with geometry. It’s there. It’s real. When/if it opens, ...

The Bali Stargate Signal
And right on time we have a “Sumatra echo” as a “hell gate” dramatically opens up in Bali, Indonesia via a volcanic eruption. The timing, the location, and the nature of the event make it a solid fulfillment of our predicted pattern ...

Zep Tepi – Part 6: Lucifer’s Interstellar Stargate
Told you Lucifer Alignments are reliably dangerous… The Sinai mosque terrorist attack below, Oumuamua above... We are talking spatio-temporal vortexes. Stargates... As I’ve been saying, this is the theme of the current season which is set to intensify... A major de ...

Rendezvous With Destiny
The story revolves around a perfectly cylindrical alien starship dubbed “Rama” traveling through the solar system, detected by “Project Spaceguard” set up to scan the sky for potential threats from space rocks... In real life on October 19, 2017… the first and only known interstellar object in existence, with an ...

Zep Tepi – Part 5: Hall of Records & Golden Apple
Whispers from the other side during the Halloween / Deep Impact window revealing secrets about the “hell gate”. The mass shootings before and after the Great Pyramid “void” discovery announcement (Nov 2)… The sequence was apparently designed to collectively transmit a “messages”... Almost as if we are talking about the ...

An important addendum to "Opening the Atlas Gate" as the pattern expands and intensifies for the windows coming up ...

Opening the Atlas Gate
The double alignment around this date with a big “Atlas” theme opens a can of worms... We are looking at a very intense window there... It will be interesting to see if this window will interact with the Thanksgiving weekend window we are also watching closely which is just as ...

When late November comes…
Listen... Sumatra 2004 was the modern “Great Flood” event... To give you a better understanding of what kind of sequence we are dealing with here, I’ll ...