The world-changing significance of an entity known as Elon Musk was clear to me 13 years ago when most people didn’t even know he existed. As I wrote back in 2012:
You heard it here first. He [Elon Musk] is important, for the human race, for its future. For he will indeed most likely help mankind reach the Red Planet […] He has “destiny” written all over him.
– Etemenanki / STR in 2012
We kept highlighting Musk as he kept rising closer and closer to the top. He is now one of the most famous people in the world, the wealthiest man on the planet, and practically a co-president of the Untied States, with his Martian ambitions intact.
As he acquired great wealth, popularity, and power, Musk himself went through a dramatic transformation starting some years ago which I have compared to Anakin morphing Darth Vader. (His brain is no longer the same, partly due to drug use.) Too many people still think he is Anakin. He is not. In fact, for sometime now we’ve detected a stream of “Antichrist”/”Beast” signals surrounding the man. This entity known as Musk is determined to remake the world in his image, go to Mars, and he won’t stop for anything or anyone, like a possessed Terminator.
“X” is the Mark of Musk. “He causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one may buy or sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast…” (Revelation 16-17).
There is a bigger context… which is what enabled me to quickly identify him as the man to watch more than a decade ago. When “destiny” is involved, and you know what the destiny is, it becomes easy to predict these things.
Stay tuned.