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Super Torch Ritual

Guns from above – UPDATED

A horrific event in Las Vegas overnight, now called the deadliest mass shooting in US history. A gunman indiscriminately shooting at a big open-air concert crowd from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel, killing 50+, injuring 200+ (numbers likely to rise). I can’t help but notice a symbolic parallel between this event and what happened Friday night in New York where Marilyn Manson was injured by two falling stage gun props while performing in a concert. “Guns from above” + music concert… for both events. Not only that, Marilyn Manson is close association with the Columbine High School mass shooting. (His music accused of having influenced the shooters.)

It was clear to me even before the event in Vegas that the Manson incident was a big multicontextual “signal” or a foreshadowing of a near-future event (why I wrote a whole article about it last night). A LOT more going on with this… Chilling stuff.


Gonna just hesitantly throw this one in for the more conspiratorial minded: The two guns in the Marilyn Manson concert can resemble a butterfly especially with Manson standing in the middle… and from there some “mind control” associations (Project Monarch/MK ULTRA). (You know, mind controlled shooters etc.)

Also, just so you know the association made between Marilyn Manson & Vegas mass shooting is NOT wholly a product of hindsight, here’s a quote from my article posted here just hours before the massacre:

In terms of foreshadowing near-future events, there is probably something to the fact that two big guns fell on Marilyn Manson. Guns falling “from the sky”… alluding to ballistic missiles and the North Korea situation? The 2nd amendment (gun rights)? Gun violence a la Columbine? North Korea aggression on/around Columbus Day (October 9/12)?

The pattern is not done yet. As I said before, October is going to be one of those months…


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